Many artists, writers and academics are looking for the ideal "get away." Here is a new space that offers artists a place to live and create their art, or simply to relax from the hectic pace of life…
Beginning on November 1, 2010 and into 2011, a new artist-retreat location will be available to WAAC members. The location is called Valley Ridge Art Studio and is located in southwest Wisconsin in the township of Castle Rock about 20 miles west of Dodgeville.
The 120 acre property is home to a renovated 1200 sq. foot farm house, 2 art studios and 120 acres of beautiful land and rolling hills. The owner has a residence on the property in another home.
Take a peek at the Website to review the property and accommodations.
If you or others have an interest please contact
Bill Malkasian
608 345 9004
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Artist Retreat Center Available
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Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Arts @ Large Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Join the fun at The Wherehouse/Hot Water Nightclub, 818 S. Water Street (end of National Avenue)in Milwaukee for their 10th Anniversary Gala.
Over the past 10 school years, Arts @ Large has opened "Windows" of creativity for 44 schools with nearly 20,000 talented students, 3,000 dedicated teachers and 200 of Wisconsin's finest artist educators.
Help them celebrate and usher in the next TEN years of helping students see that the sky is the limit! See more than 150 decorative windows created by Arts @ Large Students.
Live Auction - Silent Auction - Cash 'n Carry
$25 per person/$40 per couple
Your night includes a glass of champagne or soda, great hors d'oeuvres & stellar entertainment. Cash bar for the remainder of the evening.
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Wednesday, September 08, 2010