If you would like to advertise your event on this blog, send an e-mail to waacmail@gmail.com. It will be reviewed, and if your event is of interest to the WAAC membership, it will be listed here.
If you know of a blog/Web site that might be of interest to the WAAC membership, please send the link. It's a good way to build readership and connect with members. Here are a few from the Milwaukee area:
MARN- Yahoo groups; List serv that offers links to shows, studio space, and artist opportunities.
If you are a WAAC member and have a blog, send the link. Please describe why WAAC members might find the site useful.
Here's a member link by WAAC member Sue Lukas: www.window2sue.blogspot.com
She offers tips for beginning photographers; reviews of photography; some of her images in reference to current topics; and discussions about art shows.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Advertise Your Arts Event, Promote Your Blog
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Sunday, June 06, 2010
Peninsula School of Art Needs Teachers for 2011
Consider submitting a proposal for teaching with the Peninsula School of Art in Door County next year. Experienced instructors or artists new to teaching are encouraged to apply.
If you work with a new material or have developed a new technique, they would love to talk with you. They try to achieve a balance between basic and advanced classes in all media.
Please be specific about the topic, learning objectives, and the desired product or outcome of the class. Proposals will be reviewed as they are received.They will be making programming decisions in August.
They seek instructors who have the following: excitement and passion for teaching, a positive, can-do attitude, ability to facilitate a transformative art education experience for adult students, and dexterity/expertise in your media.
They would like you to have a well-developed list of potential students, ability to communicate with the school via e-mail, and the ability to market your workshop through your website, blog, email, etc.
They also seek Youth Arts Instructors for our Studios for Young Artist Program from mid-June through late August 2011. Critical characteristics for instructors include: excitement and passion for teaching, a positive, can-do attitude, ability to facilitate a transformative art education experience for children ages 3 ½ to 17, and dexterity/expertise in your media.
Proposals should include:
- Description of the specific class you are proposing, including
- Medium/Media used, Level of student, Days and Hours of instruction
- Objective of class, Competencies which the students can expect to achieve, Final artwork produced (if applicable),
- Special highlights that set your class apart from others of its kind.Special equipment needed
- Your resume, qualifications, or list of teaching experience\Your website address or printed or digital images of your artwork and/or your students' artwork.
- What you, as a teacher, bring to your students that is unique and powerful.
Karen Becker, Director of Programs, Peninsula School of Art
P O Box 304, Fish Creek WI 54212 / 920-868-3455
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Sunday, June 06, 2010