The Wisconsin Designer Crafts Council: Showcasing the Best in Contemporary Craft Show will be held at the Museum of Wisconsin Art, West Bend; January 5 - March 13, 2011.
The opening reception, Sunday, Jan. 9, from 1:30 - 4 p.m.
Zapplication is set up to accept applications for the 2011 Morning
Glory Fine Craft Fair anytime from now through March 15. Go to to submit your application. This year's fair is August 13-14, 2011.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
WDCC Shows Announced
Posted by
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Several Opportunities for Artists Listed
~~ Artarama, Eagle River, WI is accepting applications for its one-day fine art & distinctive craft festival. Saturday, July 16, 2011, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
*Limited to 125 booth spaces of juried fine art and fine craft.
*$800 in cash awards.
*Easy set-up and teardown.
*Artist-only restrooms.
*Application/booth fees: $10/$95. Interested? Online application and more information available at
~~ Art Calendar, the business magazine for artists, has 19 new calls to artists. They are posted at
~~ The Quarterly Newsletter of the Art Festival Industry conducted a survey of art festivals in 2010. The results might seem obvious. Shows were down in 2010, but you might be interested in the details,
~~ Four Surprising Ways to Sell More Art in 2011 from J. Jason Horejs, Owner of Xanadu Gallery and author of Starving to Successful.
1. Increase production - While everyone else is pulling back, you have the opportunity to get ahead. If you can continue to build your inventory and expand your gallery representation, you're going to increase your sales. You'll also be in a position to capitalize on the increased sales that are sure to come as the economy continues to improve.
2. Focus - The work you present to a gallery needs to be unified. It doesn't need to be repetitive or formulaic, but it must present you as a consistent artist with a clear vision.
3. Raise your prices - In his book, he offers a formula for pricing your work and he suggests that you read this section.
4. Get organized - Finally, as you ramp up production and build more relationships with galleries, you need to organize your work. Organization probably doesn't come naturally, but if you can put a system in place and then stick to it then you can take the pain out of putting your studio in order.
Happy New Year with hope for a profitable and productive 2011!
Posted by
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Amdur Productions Looking for Artists
Go to the Web site for details:
Deadline for Applications: January 5, 2011
Amdur Productions is a nationally acclaimed art festival production company that organizes some of Chicago area's juried summer art fairs. They offer 14 shows around the metro area.
Posted by
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Festival of the Arts 2011, Stevens Point
The 2011 prospectus for the March 27 art show is now ready for your viewing at New this year - submit your images via e-mail. Details are on the link for APPLYING ARTISTS.
The deadline for e-mailing images and postmark of the application is DECEMBER 31, 2010. Please enclose a SASE for the results of the jurying, which will be sent the week of January 15, 2011.
Last year's winners will be able to skip the jury process and $10 fee. The application and booth fee must be mailed by the deadline to secure your space.
Should you have additional questions, please put the word QUESTIONS in the subject line of your e-mail.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Timber Growers Chocolate Tasting and 3rd Anniversary Party Scheduled Dec. 3
Join the second annual Kallari Chocolate Tasting and 3rd Anniversary Party on Friday, December 3, from 5-8 pm at Timber Growers in Spring Green.
They will have all kinds of new treasures for this holiday season. Find the perfect gifts for anyone on your holiday gift list, or just stop by and say hello and try a free sampling of the WORLD'S BEST CHOCOLATE!
If you can't make it, check out a few of their newest items by clicking on for lots of pictures and information!
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Two More Art Shows Looking for Artists
Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Where: Westgate Mall atrium – Whitney Way and Odana Road, Madison
Sponsor: Madison Bead Society (MBS) – open to all artisans and crafters
Art mediums: Variety of handcrafted artisan creations including: beaded jewelry, wood, paper, repurposed items, metals, fibers, etc. Past shows have seen a wide variety of magnificent art.
For more information about MBS visit Vendor information and form can be found at:
For more information, contact Liz Jones at 608-839-0226 or at
Bashford Church, 329 North Street, Madison WI
Saturday, December 4th from 9 am to 4 pm
Many awesome handmade items available: bird feeders/birdhouses, jewelry , watercolor paintings and cards, poem cards, quilted/crocheted/knitted items. Repurposed items, Hula hoops, walking sticks, gourd vases/vessels, baked goods, hand-painted yarn, homemade candy, mosaics, dog items, and much, much more!!!
The Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops from Bashford United Methodist Church will provide snack and lunch concessions. Concessions proceeds will support scouting activities.
Please bring a canned good for the food pantry.
For more info contact Deb Aguado at 608-338-9406
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Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Oshkosh Area School District Seeks Artists for Gifted and Talented Program
The Oshkosh Area School District is seeking artists who would like to share their craft and passion for the visual arts with students in our Gifted and Talented Visual Arts Program. Each school year the Oshkosh Area School District conducts several art opportunities for our students identified as gifted and talented in the area of the visual arts in which local artists demonstrate their skill/craft, teach about their area of expertise and/or experience and create art with our students. Most of our gifted and talented art opportunities consist of a one day event where a visiting artist shares their work, demonstrates their skill and leads students in a relating project of their own; however, other artistic experiences are considered. Materials for students are provided upon the request of the visiting artist. ALL visual artists are encouraged and welcome to apply!
To apply, submit a resume with a cover letter of application that describes your media of expertise and outlines how you plan to share, teach, experience, and/or create art with our students. Also include examples/photos of your work. Artists can apply at any time, but are encouraged to do so earlier in the school year. Several artists are selected for this opportunity each school year. This is a paid opportunity. Visiting artists must have their own transportation to the Oshkosh Area School District.
Please send materials to:
Attention: O’Loughlin - Art Gifted and Talented Visual Arts Program
Oshkosh Area School District
1225 N. Oakwood Road, Oshkosh, WI 54904
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Saturday, November 06, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Peoria Art Guild Looking for Artists for Holiday Show
The 2010 Peoria Art Guild Artist's Gift Show on December 11 from 10-5 pm will feature 20 artists. For your very own copy of the prospectus and application, contact Ryan Nelson at 309-637-2787,, or visit their Facebook page.
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Thursday, November 04, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Looking for Exhibitors
UW-Washington County WINTER ARTS FESTIVAL on Saturday, January 29 (10 am-4 pm)is looking for exhibitors. Visit their Web site or contact Sue Bausch, Director of University Relations
UW-WASHINGTON COUNTY, 400 University Drive, West Bend, WI 53095; Phone: 262-335-5233 and Fax: 262-335-5220
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Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Join ArtWorks: Madison Holiday and Spring Art Shows
One-of-a-Kind Holiday Show
Location: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
1701 McKenna Blvd
Madison, WI 53711
December 4, 2010
10 a.m to 4 p.m.
A few booth spaces still available,
on a first-come first-serve basis.
An intimate holiday show is in a brand new facility and includes fine art and crafts. Parking and admission are FREE. A perfect time for one-of-a-kind holiday gifts, with a nice mix of artists, including ceramics, painting, jewelry, fiber, photography, glass, mixed media and wood. All artists are juried. Contact Colin Murray for more information at 608-712-3440.
ArtWorks: Madison
Spring Fine Art Show
Alliant Energy Center
March 26, 2011
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Artists from Wisconsin, Illinois and beyond will show their latest art. A few of these artists will be exhibiting their creations for the first time in a public venue. Various media will be shown including ceramics, painting, jewelry, fiber, photography, glass, mixed media and wood. Admission is free. Parking is $5.50. For more information about both shows, contact Colin Murray for more information at 608-712-3440. Or go to
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wisconsin Designer Crafts Council Show Deadline Oct. 31
The deadline is quickly approaching for submitting work for the Wisconsin Designer Crafts Council's January-March Showcase of the Best in Contemporary Craft at the Museum of Wisconsin Art, West Bend. This is a new event, and cash awards are offered.
To receive a prospectus, contact the show chair Shelly Culea at
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Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Artist Retreat Center Available
Many artists, writers and academics are looking for the ideal "get away." Here is a new space that offers artists a place to live and create their art, or simply to relax from the hectic pace of life…
Beginning on November 1, 2010 and into 2011, a new artist-retreat location will be available to WAAC members. The location is called Valley Ridge Art Studio and is located in southwest Wisconsin in the township of Castle Rock about 20 miles west of Dodgeville.
The 120 acre property is home to a renovated 1200 sq. foot farm house, 2 art studios and 120 acres of beautiful land and rolling hills. The owner has a residence on the property in another home.
Take a peek at the Website to review the property and accommodations.
If you or others have an interest please contact
Bill Malkasian
608 345 9004
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Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Arts @ Large Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Join the fun at The Wherehouse/Hot Water Nightclub, 818 S. Water Street (end of National Avenue)in Milwaukee for their 10th Anniversary Gala.
Over the past 10 school years, Arts @ Large has opened "Windows" of creativity for 44 schools with nearly 20,000 talented students, 3,000 dedicated teachers and 200 of Wisconsin's finest artist educators.
Help them celebrate and usher in the next TEN years of helping students see that the sky is the limit! See more than 150 decorative windows created by Arts @ Large Students.
Live Auction - Silent Auction - Cash 'n Carry
$25 per person/$40 per couple
Your night includes a glass of champagne or soda, great hors d'oeuvres & stellar entertainment. Cash bar for the remainder of the evening.
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Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
5th Milwaukee Fine Furnishings and Fine Craft Show Scheduled Oct. 1-3
The 5th Annual Milwaukee Fine Furnishings and Fine Craft Show will be held October 1-3, 2010 in The Garage at the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee. The doors open on Friday night from 4–8 p.m.
The show features handcrafted furniture, furnishings, fine art and crafts for sale, order, or commission from approximately 75 exhibitors. Half of the exhibitors are talented Wisconsin residents, and the show includes artisans from Illinois, Michigan, California, Indiana, Maryland, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas, Utah and Vermont. Over 80% of last year’s exhibitors will be in this year's show.
Visit to learn about hours, attending and exhibiting, show specials, and to sign-up for the show eNewsletter. Also follow the show on Twitter @finefurnishings or become a fan on Facebook.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Vendors Needed for Local Fine Art Show
Date: Saturday, November 20, 2010
Time: 10 am to 5 pm
Where: Westgate Mall atrium – Whitney Way and Odana Road
Sponsor: Madison Bead Society (MBS) – open to all artisans and crafters
Art mediums: Variety of handcrafted artisan creations including: beaded jewelry, wood, paper, repurposed items, metals, fibers, etc. Past shows have seen a wide variety of magnificent art.
All items for sale must be finished work of the exhibitor – no loose beads or components.
MBS is an educational, non-profit organization with monthly meetings year round with the exception of January and December.
For more information about MBS, visit
Vendor information and form can be found at:
For more information, contact Liz Jones at 608-839-0226 or at
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Live Online Art Marketing Workshop
Learn how to confidently and successfully approach galleries in this intensive and interactive online workshop from Xanadu Gallery owner J. Jason Horejs, who wrote the book "Starving" to Successful, which was reviewed earlier.
Two sessions are available: registration limited to 60 for each session
(sessions will fill quickly - register today)
Thursday, August 12, 4-8 p.m. (pdt)
Saturday, August 14, 8 a.m - Noon (pdt)
In this four-hour, intensive online workshop, you and a small group of artists from around the nation will learn how to organize your work, identify and share your unique approach and vision, and successfully research and approach galleries. Listen to a 25-minute demo of Jason. Go to this page if you would like information on all services his gallery provides to artists.
The workshop is $59 and you can register by calling 866-483-1306 or by going to this page.
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Two Art Shows Looking for Artists
Contact WAAC member Colin Murray if you are interested in participating in either of his art shows. A small holiday show in Madison on December 4, 2010, and another on March 26, 2011, at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. Artists are welcome to contact Colin by email or by phone: 608-712-3440 for info.
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
BOOK REVIEW “Starving” to Successful The Fine Artist’s Guide to Getting into Galleries and Selling More Art
By Sue Lukas
I was hungry when I started reading this book, hungry for something different from all the artist self help books out there. I’m happy to say that now I’m full of ideas about how I can approach and become part of galleries all over the country.
When galleries big and small are going under, when the competition to get into better galleries grows tougher, reading a book from the gallery owner’s perspective was enlightening. If you wish to make more money from your art, this book would be a good addition to your library. It’s concise and easy to understand.
He offers many ideas for promoting yourself to galleries and maintaining the relationship. Though he comes on strong with why you should be in a gallery versus trying to sell at art shows. And he also talks about how you can help the gallery, and not so much what he can do for you. From his point of view, it’s a gallery owners’ market, and he represents only a few who apply.
In his first chapter, Jason’s main point - strive for excellence by continuing to evolve and use the best materials. He lists a variety of ways for the artist to improve. One of his suggestions is teaching. As someone who teaches photography, I would heartily agree with him that teaching is a good way to improve yourself. Besides giving to others, you are getting back. It has helped me to remember rules, to stay on top of photo trends that change often, to improve my people skills, and to express myself better. And that’s only one of his suggestions.
Jason recommends that artists don’t follow trends, but follow an inner voice. Produce as much as you can, and when you have 20-25 2D works, you’re ready to approach a gallery. He recommends 10-15 pieces for 3D artists. It’s also important to brand yourself. When you produce work, think of your primary target market, offer a frame of reference, and create work that stands out from the rest.
He also talks about:
Who is your competition? What are they doing?
How should you price your work? He says it’s arbitrary, but offers some guidelines.
What kind of collateral marketing materials do you need and how to use them.
How to write an artist’s statement, resume and bio, and what’s the difference. That may seem basic to many of you.
Why you should have an artist’s Web site and how to maintain it. I’ve been a graphic designer for many years and do my own Web site, but he recommends that you hire a pro to create it for you if you don’t have any experience.
In Chapter 10, he suggests that you should sell at art shows in the beginning of your career. But as you progress and improve, move to galleries and let them sell for you so you can focus on your art. Network by joining art guilds such as WAAC, hang your work in public venues and get out there as much as you can to sell yourself and your work. Learn to sell yourself and your work.
How should you approach galleries? His advice is opposite of what I’ve read in other books and online. He said prepare your portfolio, and just go in the door without an appointment. Do some research first to see if you would fit the gallery. Forget CDs, e-mails, snail mail and other means of contact. He throws them out anyway because he receives so many inquiries.
It’s amazing that he would admit that fact in a book aimed at artists. But it’s a look at the other side of the fence.
There are a lot of good ideas in this book. It’s well written and easy to understand. He also, after saying he throws away the majority of his submissions, offers a pep talk. If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. There are galleries all over the U.S. that might be a good fit for your work. Start small and build up to larger galleries. Ask your current gallery for a written recommendation, which I’ve never heard of before. Convince the new gallery that you work sells well and you are an organized, friendly person. Hmm.
Jason is the owner of Xanadu Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ. He and his wife opened the gallery on Sept. 10, 2001. His father John is an oil painter, and he refers to him many times in the book. The book is small, 182 pages, and I read it in an afternoon. There’s lots of room to make notes. I paid $25 for it on Amazon, and you can order it from his gallery Web site, too.
This book may seem like a means to get through the lean times for his gallery, but it does offer some meat and potatoes for the “starving” artist. If you look up this book on Amazon, you will see other books that might interest you and other reviews.
Sue Lukas has worked as a photographer, teacher, graphic designer, and editor. She exhibits her work at Art Fair Off the Square and at art shows and galleries in Wisconsin and Illinois. For more information about her, go to or to her blog
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Friday, July 02, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Advertise Your Arts Event, Promote Your Blog
If you would like to advertise your event on this blog, send an e-mail to It will be reviewed, and if your event is of interest to the WAAC membership, it will be listed here.
If you know of a blog/Web site that might be of interest to the WAAC membership, please send the link. It's a good way to build readership and connect with members. Here are a few from the Milwaukee area:
MARN- Yahoo groups; List serv that offers links to shows, studio space, and artist opportunities.
If you are a WAAC member and have a blog, send the link. Please describe why WAAC members might find the site useful.
Here's a member link by WAAC member Sue Lukas:
She offers tips for beginning photographers; reviews of photography; some of her images in reference to current topics; and discussions about art shows.
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Sunday, June 06, 2010
Peninsula School of Art Needs Teachers for 2011
Consider submitting a proposal for teaching with the Peninsula School of Art in Door County next year. Experienced instructors or artists new to teaching are encouraged to apply.
If you work with a new material or have developed a new technique, they would love to talk with you. They try to achieve a balance between basic and advanced classes in all media.
Please be specific about the topic, learning objectives, and the desired product or outcome of the class. Proposals will be reviewed as they are received.They will be making programming decisions in August.
They seek instructors who have the following: excitement and passion for teaching, a positive, can-do attitude, ability to facilitate a transformative art education experience for adult students, and dexterity/expertise in your media.
They would like you to have a well-developed list of potential students, ability to communicate with the school via e-mail, and the ability to market your workshop through your website, blog, email, etc.
They also seek Youth Arts Instructors for our Studios for Young Artist Program from mid-June through late August 2011. Critical characteristics for instructors include: excitement and passion for teaching, a positive, can-do attitude, ability to facilitate a transformative art education experience for children ages 3 ½ to 17, and dexterity/expertise in your media.
Proposals should include:
- Description of the specific class you are proposing, including
- Medium/Media used, Level of student, Days and Hours of instruction
- Objective of class, Competencies which the students can expect to achieve, Final artwork produced (if applicable),
- Special highlights that set your class apart from others of its kind.Special equipment needed
- Your resume, qualifications, or list of teaching experience\Your website address or printed or digital images of your artwork and/or your students' artwork.
- What you, as a teacher, bring to your students that is unique and powerful.
Karen Becker, Director of Programs, Peninsula School of Art
P O Box 304, Fish Creek WI 54212 / 920-868-3455
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Sunday, June 06, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Acrylic Painters Needed
Grumbacher paint is looking to hire acrylic painters to teach two hours workshops at a major retailer in locations across the United States and Canada. Artists must be capable of demonstrating a still life, landscape, seascape, and floral. We have developed a flexible curriculum in acrylics for an artist to use or adapt to fit to his or her style. We plan to conduct approximately one to four workshops per store per month and the artist will have flexibility in scheduling. Compensation is $100 per workshop, and teaching materials will be provided to the artist at no cost.
Anyone who is interested email Jennifer Kopec at with examples of their work in acrylics, along with a resume and contact information. (Chartpak is a manufacturer of fine art supplies. Grumbacher, Koh-I-Noor, Higgins ink, and Clearprint are some of our brands.)
Jennifer Kopec
Educational Coordinator
Chartpak, Inc.
1 River Road
Leeds, MA 01053
Posted by
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Raven Gallery
Growing Again! New Member Openings Available!
Hey all!
Raven is growing again! We have created 6 new member artists’ spots available on a monthly basis for your art!! We have been stepping it up all year creating more and more gallery space! We have an aggressive year of events and classes planned and we are located right smack next to a very highly trafficked Panera Bread in Pewaukee! Come check us out and see what the buzz is about!
We are also looking for guest/featured artists to coincide with our open call to artists events (6 week to 2 month spots in the prime real estate spot in the gallery).
Please send inquires to
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Salvage Art
Habitat ReStore Salvage Art Show and Auction
To Apply Go to
click on art show
Deadline May 22, 2010
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dane County Art Calendar & Poster
The Dane County Cultural Affairs Commission is issuing a call for artists to submit art for consideration and inclusion in our signature 2012 art calendar and 2011 art poster and companion bookmark. A link to this announcement and the submission form is on our webpage.
Dane County Cultural Affairs Commission
Room 421, City-County Building
210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: 608/266-5915; Fax: 608/266-2643
TDD: 608/266-9138
Posted by
Monday, March 01, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Habitat ReStore - Salvage Art Show and Auction
The Habitat ReStore - Salvage Art Show and Auction is inviting artists to submit applications for the next show in October 2010. The fun part of this show is that the art has a salvaged component --what a challenge for some of us to figure into our art!
This is a fund raiser for the ReStore --details for application are at then click on art show. They had a great show and auction last year, and as always, are hoping for even a bigger event this year.
Posted by
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Artisan Opportunity
Artisan Opportunity
We are Main Street Portage, a non-profit organization that is working to revitalize downtown Portage.
As part of the revitalization process, a building known as the Mercantile was purchased in downtown Portage as an incubator to help new small retail businesses, such as area artisans, sell their goods and prepare them for opening a business of their own in the future. We wanted to introduce ourselves and let you know we have openings for additional artists to participate in the Mercantile project.
If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please don’t hesitate to contact us by e-mail at We would love to have you! To learn more about Main Street Portage in general, please check out our website:
Carolyn Roberts
Executive Director-Mainstreet Portage
Agent for “The Mercantile”
Posted by
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Midwest Biennial
Call to Artists
Midwest Biennial is now accepting entries for the 2010 Wisconsin Artists Juried Exhibition themed “Vermiculture, Artists, and the Tao Te Ching”. This spring exhibition will be held from April 1 through May 30, 2010 in celebration of Earth Day, Arbor Day, and Mother’s Day. The competition is open to all artists, 18 years or older, residing in the State of Wisconsin. A Reception for the Artists and Awards Ceremony will be held in the gallery in conjunction with Wausau’s “Exhibitour”. Visit for more information and how to enter this exhibition.
The Midwest Biennial, located in Wausau, Wisconsin, was inspired by the desire to provide a serious venue for artists and patrons to experience fine art at its best in a firmly rooted arts environment.
Wausau is also home to the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Center for the Visual Arts (CVA), Artrageous Weekend, Exhibitour, Wausau Area Performing Arts Foundation, University of Wisconsin Campuses, and The Grand Theatre, making the Wausau area a vibrant, thriving art community for artists and patrons alike. Centrally located in the State of Wisconsin, the city is unrivaled in its support of the arts, attracting thousands of viewers to its events, with numbers increasing every year.
We believe that Wausau’s solid foundation in funding and promoting the arts, makes it an ideal community to exhibit contemporary works from across the nation by emerging and established artists of all disciplines.
Midwest Biennial will hold two major juried fine art exhibitions each year. Our premier event was hosted in September of 2009 with a Regional Juried Exhibition, bringing artists into our community from seven mid-western states including Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, and Ohio. In May of 2010, we will exhibit works by Wisconsin Artists only. September of this year will bring our National Exhibition to Wausau. Our schedule for May of 2011 will consist of artists from Marathon and neighboring counties; (North Central Wisconsin). Because we are the Midwest Biennial, in September of 2011 we start again with the Regional Exhibition, and rotate our four shows biennially in the following years.
Contact Information:
David Hummer
Posted by
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Green Parasol
Art Workshops and Classes
for adults and children
*acrylic painting
*mixed media
*sewing and fiber baskets
*puppetry and masks
Group and private instruction in our beautiful studio
See our website for current class shedule and info
Posted by
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Change Unlimited
Change Unlimited is: Books that are individualized by friends for persons experiencing an illness or injury; books of support and love for our deployed military personnel; and friendship books given to a friend or family member. 100% of our products are manufactured in the United States. We promote and encourage unpublished, talented American authors, poets, musicians and artists by including them in our publications and on our website. And, we will donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to Americans in need.
The first 2 books from Change Unlimited are out with another scheduled for Mother's Day. Looking for poems, stories, letters, photographs, drawings, artwork (child or adult, we've used children's letters and drawings which adds a sweet touch—the kids loved seeing their artwork in print), to donate for a book all about mothers..from any perspective. Anything that you are willing to share would be appreciated!
It is a non-profit series so the only reward is to have something published and getting some exposure. Another upcoming series will be about grief. You keep the rights, just giving us permission to use your contribution. It can be anonymous or with bio and/or photo of the contributor. You will also have a chance to see the project before printing to be sure that you are OK with how your donation is represented in the final book.
A sample of the Breast Cancer book can be sent if potential contributors need a better idea of the final product. The books include instructions on putting a book together for your loved one, the things collected from families & friends, the donated stories and art, a journal section, support coupons and credits.
Contact Person: Linda Endlich (
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010